Zukunftstag Mittelstand 2024
Building the future requires cooperation. On 13 March 2024, decision-makers from the worlds of business and politics will come together at Zukunftstag Mittelstand 2024 to discuss crucial topics for the future of companies in the German Mittelstand: from digitalisation and the energy transition to new work, mobility and connectivity.
Keynotes and talks by prestigious speakers from the highest echelons of power and authority will provide valuable input you can apply to secure your company’s future. Additionally, a host of forums and lounges will offer excellent opportunities to make new contacts and network in the exquisite surroundings of STATION-Berlin.
Join us there! Benefit from a day of fascinating discussions, inspiring insights and high-quality networking at Zukunftstag Mittelstand 2024 – the high point in the entrepreneurial year. We look forward to welcoming you.
Event begins in just
Zukunftstag Mittelstand 2024
Senator (retired), Chair of the Federal Management Board of The German Mittelstand. BVMW e. V.
“No other entity combines entrepreneurial ambition, innovative spirit and a sense of social responsibility quite like the German Mittelstand. Our event brings together leading minds from the worlds of business and politics. It will generate synergies, new ideas and pioneering connections. This is how we build the future.”
Christoph Ahlhaus
In addition to high-quality information, Zukunftstag Mittelstand will also provide excellent networking opportunities. An array of forums and lounges will give guests the chance to make new contacts and establish dialogues in exquisite surroundings. Delicious snacks and refreshing drinks will be available to stimulate engaging discussions.
Join us for a day packed with fascinating discussions, inspiring insights and high-quality networking with top-level decision makers in the German Mittelstand at Zukunftstag Mittelstand 2024 – the true high point of the entrepreneurial year!
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Politics & perspectives
High-profile representatives of the German federal government have already accepted our invitation to Zukunftstag Mittelstand 2024.
The future makers
will be there
Dr. Robert Habeck
Vizekanzler und Bundesminister für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz
Foto: Dominik Butzmann
Christian Lindner
Bundesminister der Finanzen
Foto: Bundesministerium der Finanzen / Photothek
Hubertus Heil
Bundesminister für Arbeit und Soziales
Foto: Dominik Butzmann
Dr. Volker Wissing
Bundesminister für Digitales und Verkehr
Foto: Jesco Denzel
Steffi Lemke
Bundesministerin für Umwelt, Naturschutz, nukleare Sicherheit und Verbraucherschutz
Foto: Steffi Kugler
Dr. Carsten Linnemann
Generalsekretär der CDU Deutschlands
Foto: Tobias Koch
Jens Spahn
stellv. Vorsitzender der CDU/CSU-Bundestagsfraktion
Foto: Anne Hufnagl
Johannes Winkel
Bundesvorsitzender der Jungen Union Deutschlands
Foto: JUNGE UNION (Tobias Koch)
S.E. Srettha Thavisin
Premierminister des Königreichs Thailand
S.E. Anwar Ibrahim
Premierminister von Malaysia
Verena Hubertz, MdB
Abgeordnete & stellvertretenden Fraktionsvorsitzenden der SPD-Bundestagsfraktion, Deutscher Bundestag
S.E. Prof. Dr. Ömer Bolat
Handelsminister der Republik Türkiye
Benjamin Knödler
Referatsleiter Wirtschaftsnetzwerke, Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ)
I.E. Ingrida Šimonytė
Premierministerin der Republik Litauen
Foto: Quelle
Dr. Ivan Magalhães do Prado
Staatssekretär, Ministerium für Industrie und Handel Angola
Melis Sekmen (GRÜNE), MdB
Obfrau im Wirtschaftsausschuss und Vorsitzende des Parlamentskreises Gründung & Startups, Deutscher Bundestag
Thiemo Fojkar
Vorstandsvorsitzender Internationaler Bund
Christine Marin
Geschäftsführerin Kopf Holding GmbH bei ZINKPOWER Gruppe
Magdalena Oehl
CEO Talent Rocket GmbH
Dr. Oliver Grün
Präsident des Bundesverbands IT-Mittelstand
Reiner Holznagel
Präsident des Bundes der Steuerzahler e.V.
Dr. Sonja Sulzmaier
CEO navispace GmbH
Matthias Taft
Vorstandsvorsitzender BayWa r.e.
Hans-Peter Haubold
Geschäftsführer Tac Holding GmbH
Dr. Fritzi Köhler-Geib
Chefvolkswirtin der KfW
Generalleutnant Markus Laubenthal
Stellvertretender Generalinspekteur der Bundeswehr
Felix Meusel
Geschäftsführer arttac solutions GmbH
Vanessa Cann
Vorstandsmitglied, KI-Bundesverband
Dr. Markus Ostermeier
Geschäftsführer, ostermeier H2ydrogen Solutions GmbH
Melanie Baum
Geschäftsführerin Baum Zerspanungstechnik e.Kfr.
Dirk Howe
Geschäftsführer Siempelkamp Giesserei
Sandra Pabst
Moderatorin und Kommunikationsberaterin
Matthias Brucke
Gründer und Gesellschafter, embeteco GmbH & Co. KG
Dr. Stephan Kunz
Projektleiter Invest for Jobs Senegal, Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Eva Werle
CEO und Vizepräsidentin, Basilicom GmbH und Bundesverband Digitale Wirtschaft e.V. (BVDW)
Foto: Svea Pietschmann
Dirk von Gehlen
Director Think Tank, SZ Institut
Foto: Gerald von Foris
Dr. Anke Skopec
Geschäftsführerin, BIFI – Berliner Institut für Innovationsforschung GmbH
Nils Tersteegen
Marketing Manager, FANUC Deutschland GmbH
Kim Wlach
Geschäftsführerin, Berg & Macher GmbH
Foto: Barbara Gandenheimer
Dr. Robert Hermann
Geschäftsführer, Germany Trade & Invest (GTAI)
Foto: Quelle
Maren Kogge
Geschäftsführerin, KAIN & KOGGE GmbH
Marc Fischer
Geschäftsführer der NAWIDA GmbH
Yani Neugebauer
Ove Petersen
CEO und Gründer GP Joule GmbH
Josef Mitterhuber
CEO Silver Atena GmbH
Jeannette Peters
Gründerin und Inhaberin von JPeters Consult
Prof. Dr. Henning Vöpel
Vorstand cep | Centrums für Europäische Politik
Florian Arndt
Regisseur und Geschäftsführer Sons of Motion Pictures Gmbh
Prof. Dr. Enzo Weber
Forschungsbereichsleiter am Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung
Dr. Andreas Liebl
Geschäftsführer appliedAI Initiative GmbH
Foto: Thomas Dashuber Fotografie
Barbara Françoise Gruner
Vorstand SOS-Kinderdörfer weltweit
Mario Silveira
Corporate Vice President EMEA, AMD GmbH
Janina Mütze
CEO Civey GmbH
Foto: Civey/Marc Hohner
Ulf Gehrckens
Executive Vice President Corporate Energy & Climate Affairs, Aurubis AG
Jochen Bösl
Senior Vice President, Deutsche Telekom Geschäftskunden GmbH
Dr. Simone Peter
Präsidentin, Bundesverband Erneuerbare Energiene.V.
Joachim Schober
Unternehmer und Wasserstoffpionier, Keynotespeaker, „Wasserstoff-Einklang von Mensch und Natur“, Autohaus Schober GmbH & Co. KG
Martin G. Pedersen
Vorsitzender der International Free Zone Authority (IFZA)
Nicole Büttner
CEO Merantix Momentum
Foto: Viktor Strasse
Marianne Janik
CEO, Microsoft Deutschland GmbH
Prof. Dr. Justus Haucap
Direktor, Düsseldorf Institute for Competition Economics
Ulrike Finck
Fernsehjournalistin beim RBB und Moderatorin
Matthias Patzak
AWS Enterprise Strategist, Amazon Web Services (AWS)
André Steinau
Geschäftsführer, GP Joule Hydrogen GmbH
Christiane Kragh
Gründerin und Geschäftsführerin, Off-Grid Europe GmbH
Ralf Ott
Head of Policy & Regulation, Hydrogenious LOHC Technologies GmbH
Dr. Wiebke Lüke
Founder & Managing Director, WEW GmbH
Jens Bönisch
Mitglied des Vorstands ADVOCARD Rechtsschutzversicherung AG/Generali Deutschland Gruppe
Looking back on Zukunftstag Mittelstand 2023
Even at the inaugural event in 2023, Zukunftstag Mittelstand managed to secure a reputation as the premier large-scale event for small and medium-sized enterprises in Germany.
With more than 4,000 guests – including over 50 ambassadors, 7 presidents and chairs of leading German industry associations, 2 minister presidents, 4 federal ministers, 6 state secretaries, 8 foreign dignitaries and a 54 stands hosted by high-profile companies, Zukunftstag Mittelstand 2023 was the business event of the year.
Agenda Transformation Stage
Ulrike Finck – TV journalist at RBB and presenter
9:15 am
Welcome address
Christoph Ahlhaus, Chair of the BVMW Federal Management Board and former member of the Hamburg Senate
9:45 am
Zukunftspreis Mittelstand award ceremony in cooperation with
Christoph Ahlhaus, Chair of the BVMW Federal Management Board and former member of the Hamburg Senate
Dirk von Gehlen, Director Think Tank, SZ Institut
Dr. Sonja Sulzmaier, Managing Partner of Navispace GmbH, Chair of the BVMW Start-up and New Business Committee
Prof. Dr. Henning Vöpel, Director of the Centre for European Policy, Chair of the BVMW Scientific Advisory Board
Jeannette Peters, founder of JPeters Consult, Chair of the BVMW Business Succession Committee
10:15 am
Dr. Carsten Linnemann, MdB, Secretary General of the CDU
10:35 am
Keynote: “Faster than the future – changing technology”
Josef Mitterhuber, CEO of Silver Atena GmbH
10:55 am
H. E. Srettha Thavisin, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Thailand
11:10 am
Panel talk on entrepreneurship: “Ailing infrastructure and a jungle of bureaucracy – is entrepreneurship still worth it?”
Managing Director of Baum Zerspanungstechnik e.Kfr.
Hans-Peter Haubold, TAC Holding
Prof. Dr. Justus Haucap, Director of the Düsseldorf Institute for Competition Economics
Dirk Howe, Managing Director of Siempelkamp Giesserei GmbH
Host: Dr. Hans-Jürgen Völz, BVMW Member of the Federal Executive Board, Chief Economist SME issues Germany
11:55 am
Marianne Janik, CEO of Microsoft Deutschland GmbH
12:05 pm
Barbara Françoise Gruner, member of the Management Board of SOS-Kinderdörfer weltweit
12:15 pm
Christian Lindner, MdB, German Federal Minister of Finance
12:35 pm
Kick-off speech
Martin G. Pedersen, Chair of the International Free Zone Authority (IFZA)
Jochen Knecht, CEO of the International Free Zone Authority (IFZA)
12:50 pm
1:10 pm
Kick-off speech
Thiemo Fojkar, Chair of the Executive Board of the Internationaler Bund (IB)
1:20 pm
Panel talk on finances/budgets: “What role can the state play in the transformation?”
Reiner Holznagel, President of the German Taxpayers’ Association (BdSt e.V.)
Dr. Fritzi Köhler-Geib, Chief Economist at KfW
Ulf Gehrckens, Executive Vice President for Corporate Energy & Climate Affairs, Aurubis AG
Host: Dr. Hans-Jürgen Völz, BVMW Member of the Federal Executive Board, Chief Economist SME issues Germany
2:10 pm
H. E. Prof. Ömer Bolat, Minister of Trade, Republic of Türkiye
2:25 pm
Dr. Volker Wissing, MdB, Federal Minister for Digital and Transport
2:45 pm
Panel talk on digital affairs: “Germany as a location for digital technology and innovation”
Dr. Sonja Sulzmaier, CEO of navispace GmbH
Nicole Büttner, CEO of Merantix Momentum
Nils Tersteegen, Marketing Manager of FANUC Deutschland GmbH
Host: Matthias Brucke, co-founder and co-owner of embeteco GmbH
3:30 pm
Hubertus Heil, MdB, German Federal Minister of Labour and Social Affairs
3:50 pm
Panel talk on labour shortages: “What innovative solutions does the country need?”
Prof. Enzo Weber, Head of Forecasts and Macroeconomic Analyses, Institute for Employment Research (IAB)
Janina Mütze, CEO of Civey GmbH
Magdalena Oehl, CEO of Talent Rocket GmbH
Host: Ulrike Finck, TV journalist at RBB and presenter
4:35 pm
Steffi Lemke, MdB, German Federal Minister for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection
4:55 pm
Jens Bönisch, Management Board of Advocard Rechtsschutzversicherung AG
5:05 pm
Panel talk on energy/sustainability: “Key technological industries – is Germany losing touch?”
Mario Silveira, Corporate Vice President EMEA, AMD GmbH
Ove Petersen, founder and CEO of GP Joule GmbH
Christine Marin, Managing Director of Kopf Holding GmbH, part of the ZINKPOWER Group
Prof. Henning Vöpel, Director of the cep | Centre for European Policy
Host: Andreas Jahn, BVMW Federal Managing Director for Politics and Foreign Trade
6:00 pm
Dr. Robert Habeck, MdB, German Vice Chancellor and Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Action
6:20 pm
Energy transition
Matthias Taft, BayWa r.e.
Dr. Simone Peter, President of the German Renewable Energy Federation (BEE e.V.)
6:35 pm
H. E. Anwar Ibrahim, Prime Minister of Malaysia
6:50 pm
H. E. Ingrida Šimonytė, Prime Minister of the Republic of Lithuania
7:05 pm
Closing speech
Christoph Ahlhaus, Chair of the BVMW Federal Management Board and former member of the Hamburg Senate
7:15 pm
Zukunftsnacht evening networking event
Agenda Inspiration Stage
Sandra Pabst, presenter and communications consultant
9:50 am
Welcome address
Andreas Jahn, Federal Managing Director for Politics and Foreign Trade of Der Mittelstand. BVMW e.V.
Artificial intelligence
10:00 am
Kick-off speech
Florian Arndt, director and CEO of Sons of Motion Pictures GmbH
10:15 am
Panel talk: “How important will artificial intelligence be for companies in the future?”
Eva Werle, CEO of Basilicom GmbH and Vice President of the German Association for the Digital Economy (BVDW)
Dr. Andreas Liebl, Managing Director of appliedAI Initiative GmbH
Vanessa Cann, Board member of KI-Bundesverband
Felix Meusel, CEO of arttac solutions GmbH
Host: Matthias Brucke, Co-founder and co-owner of embeteco GmbH & Co. KG
Energy partnerships – Hydrogen
11:10 am
Kick-off speech
H. E. Saleh Al-Khulaifi, Minister of State, Qatari Ministry of Foreign Affairs
11:15 am
Panel talk: “Focus on hydrogen: Companies in dialogue for a green future”
Ralf Ott, Head of Policy & Regulation of Hydrogenious LOHC Technologies GmbH
Dr. Wiebke Lüke, Founder and Managing Director of WEW GmbH
Joachim Schober, entrepreneur and hydrogen pioneer; keynote speaker on “Compatible hydrogen use for people and nature”, Autohaus Schober GmbH & Co. KG
André Steinau, Managing Director of GP Joule Hydrogen GmbH
Dr. Markus Ostermeier, Managing Director of ostermeier H2ydrogen Solutions GmbH
Host: Andreas Jahn, Federal Managing Director for Politics and Foreign Trade of Der Mittelstand. BVMW e.V.
12:05 pm
Mittelstand in Transformation
12:30 pm
Kick-off speech: “How to avoid sabotaging your transformation”
Matthias Patzak, AWS Enterprise Strategist, Amazon Web Services (AWS)
1:10 pm
Panel Talk “The potential of the EU single market: 11 recommendations for stronger SME growth”
Lavinia Goldner, Senior Management Consultant, Implement Consulting Group
Matthias Ernst, Senior Manager Public Policy DACH of Amazon Deutschland Services GmbH
Michael Woltering, Federal Director of Cooperations and Events of Der Mittelstand. BVMW e.V.
Strong Women, Strong Mittelstand
1:40 pm
Kick-off speech
Janina Mütze, CEO of Civey GmbH
1:50 pm
Appointment of the members of the committee
Christoph Ahlhaus, Chair of the BVMW Federal Management Board and former member of the Hamburg Senate
2:00 pm
Panel talk: “Courage for self-employment: How can we pave the way for women into entrepreneurship?”
Jeannette Peters, Managing Director of JPeters Consult GmbH
Dr. Anke Skopec, CEO of BIFI – Berlin Institute for Innovation
Kim Wlach, Managing Director of Berg & Macher GmbH
Melanie Baum, Managing Director of Baum Zerspanungstechnik
Maren Kogge, Managing Director of KAIN & KOGGE GmbH
The military and the Mittelstand
2:40 pm
Kick-off speech
Lt.-Gen. Markus Laubenthal, Deputy Chief of Defence in the German Bundeswehr
Future markets: How can German SMEs advance sustainable investment in the Global South?
3:00 pm
Dr. Ivan Magalhães do Prado, Secretary of State, Angolan Ministry of Industry and Trade
3:05 pm
Panel Talk
Dr Stephan Kunz, Project Manager at Invest for Jobs Senegal, Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Dr. Robert Hermann, CEO of Germany Trade & Invest (GTAI)
Christiane Kragh, founder and CEO of Off-Grid Europe GmbH
Benjamin Knödler, Head of the Private Sector Engagement division, German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Jan Müller, Program Head of ImpactConnect DEG – Deutsche Investitions- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft mbH
3:50 pm
Foundation of the Mittelstand Alliance for Latin America
4:00 pm
Keynote: World first – Experience the future in real time!
Marc Fischer, Managing Director of NAWIDA GmbH
4:15 pm
Young Mittelstand – Get-together
4:30 pm
Kick-off speech
Johannes Winkel, Chair of Junge Union Deutschlands
4:45 pm
Be there
build the future
Partner package "Silver"
Partner package
Event tickets: 40 tickets
Exhibitor tickets: 5 tickets
Central stand area: 15 sqm
Price: €19,990
Partner package "Bronze"
Partner package
Event tickets: 30 tickets
Exhibitor tickets: 5 tickets
Central stand area: 13 sqm
Price: €14,990
Partner package "Mittelstand-Supporter"
Event tickets: 20 tickets
Exhibitor tickets: 4 tickets
Central stand area: 9 sqm
Price: €9,990
Innovation Forum
Community stand
Innovation Forum
Event tickets: 5 tickets
Exhibitor tickets: 2 tickets
Price: €3,990
Our exhibitors
Hotel allocations for your visit
Crowne Plaza Berlin
Potsdamer Platz
Hallesche Str. 10, 10963 Berlin
Reservations: +49 30 8010660 reservations.cpberlin@ihg.com
Reference: BVMW Zukunftstag 2024
Lulu Guldsmeden Hotel
Potsdamer Str. 67, 10785 Berlin
Reservations: +49 30 25558720
Reference: BVMW Zukunftstag 2024
Scandic Berlin Potsdamer Platz
Gabriele-Tergit-Promenade 19, 10963 Berlin
DE: BABR120324
EN: BABR120324
Reference number: 48694530
Mövenpick Hotel Berlin
Schöneberger Str. 3, 10963 Berlin
Reservations: +49 30 23006186
Reference: BVMW Zukunftstag 2024
Hotel de Rome
Behrenstraße 37, 10117 Berlin
Reservations: +49 30 460 609 1430
Reference: BVMW Zukunftstag 2024
Holiday Inn Express Berlin City Centre
Stresemannstraße 49, 10963 Berlin
Reservations: reservations@hiexberlin.com
Reference: BVMW Zukunftstag 2024
Grand Hyatt Berlin
Marlene-Dietrich-Platz 2, 10785 Berlin
Reservations: +49 6131 796 4940
Group code: G-BVM2
Reference: BVMW Zukunftstag 2024
If you have any questions about Zukunftstag Mittelstand or the partner packages, please contact our Event team: