The values of the Mit­tel­stand and its entre­pre­neu­ri­al spi­rit lay solid foun­da­ti­ons for social pro­spe­ri­ty. Zukunfts­tag Mit­tel­stand 2025 will pro­vi­de a forum for medi­um-sized busi­ness in Ger­ma­ny, brin­ging tog­e­ther key decis­i­on-makers from the worlds of busi­ness and poli­tics to dis­cuss the key issues of our time and share fresh per­spec­ti­ves on the future. Join us the­re!

Event beg­ins in just




Sena­tor (reti­red), Chair of the Fede­ral Manage­ment Board of
The Mit­tel­stand. BVMW e. V.

“Our coun­try needs strong medi­um-sized busi­nesses. Ulti­m­ate­ly, the Mit­tel­stand is the foun­da­ti­on of social pro­spe­ri­ty and a gua­ran­tor of sta­bi­li­ty and social secu­ri­ty.”

Chris­toph Ahl­haus

Enjoy an inspi­ring day brim­ming with key­note spee­ches and talks from pro­mi­nent voices and experts at the hig­hest levels of decis­i­on-making and exper­ti­se. Addi­tio­nal­ly, a host of forums and loun­ges will offer excel­lent oppor­tu­ni­ties to for­ge new cont­acts and net­work in the exqui­si­te sur­roun­dings of STATION Ber­lin. We look for­ward to wel­co­ming you.

Founders & the future

Join the Ger­man poli­ti­cal eli­te at Zukunfts­tag Mit­tel­stand.



be the­re

Marking 50 years of the BVMW – a celebration for the Mittelstand

The future is built on the past. In 2025, the BVMW is cele­bra­ting its 50th bir­th­day. We are proud to have ser­ved as a strong voice for the Mit­tel­stand sin­ce 1975 and invi­te you to cele­bra­te with us at Zukunfts­tag. Ulti­m­ate­ly, this is also a par­ty that cele­bra­tes you. Infor­ma­ti­on about the evening enter­tain­ment will fol­low in due cour­se.

& you’ll be there

Secure your exhibitor stand today!

Show­ca­se your com­pa­ny at Zukunfts­tag Mit­tel­stand 2025 and sei­ze the oppor­tu­ni­ty to make a per­so­nal impres­si­on on lea­ding decis­i­on-makers from the world of busi­ness.

It is pos­si­ble to book an exhi­bi­tor stand until 14 Febru­ary 2025.

Regis­ter as an exhi­bi­tor

Book a con­sul­ta­ti­on

For innovators of all sizes: Zukunftstag Mittelstand

Estab­lished com­pa­nies show their visi­ons, start-ups pre­sent their inno­va­ti­ve ide­as. You will find the per­fect plat­form for your suc­cess in our Forum of Inno­va­tions and the Start-up Area.

App­ly now

Hotel allocations for your visit

Holi­day Inn Express Ber­lin City Cent­re
Stre­se­mann­stra­ße 49, 10963 Ber­lin

Book direct

(Sel­ect your arri­val date to see the BVMW boo­king allo­ca­ti­on.)

Use of the allo­ca­ti­on requi­res a mini­mum stay of two nights.

Boo­ka­ble until 18/02/2025. 

Hotel Ber­lin Pots­da­mer Platz by Leo­nar­do Hotels
Hal­le­sche Stra­ße 10, 10963 Ber­lin

Book now (boo­king code: BVMW25)

or: +49 30 688322422

When boo­king, plea­se sta­te the name of the hotel and the key­word BVMW25.

Boo­ka­ble until 11/02/2025. 

Lulu Gulds­me­den Hotel
Pots­da­mer Str. 67, 10785 Ber­lin

Reser­va­tions: +49 30 25558720

Refe­rence: BVMW Zukunfts­tag 2025

Boo­ka­ble until 01/03/2025.

Vien­na House Easy
by Wynd­ham Pots­da­mer Platz

Den­ne­witz­stra­ße 44, 10783 Ber­lin

Book dir­rect

Or use boo­king code 040825MAT at: 
or +49 30 9921101

Boo­ka­ble until 08/03/2025.

Hotel de Rome
Beh­ren­stra­ße 37, 10117 Ber­lin

Book direct

Or use boo­king code: BVMW Zukunfts­tag 2025
at reservations.derome@

or +49 30 460609–1430

Boo­ka­ble until 08/03/2025.

Grimm’s Hotel am Pots­da­mer Platz
Flot­t­well­stra­ße 45, 10785 Ber­lin


Refe­rence: BVMW Zukunfts­tag 2025

Boo­ka­ble until 09/02/2025

Hotel Pre­mier Inn

Guests and par­ti­ci­pan­ts can sim­ply regis­ter free of char­ge and from the first boo­king via our Busi­ness Boo­ker boo­king por­tal you will recei­ve a gua­ran­teed dis­count of at least 5 % and up to 15 %.

Busi­ness Boo­ker | Pre­mier Inn
or +49 151 55067123

Victor’s Resi­denz Hotel Ber­lin Mit­te
Am Fried­richs­hain 17, 10407 Ber­lin

Up to 12 % dis­count on the cur­rent dai­ly pri­ce:


If you have any ques­ti­ons about Zukunfts­tag Mit­tel­stand or the part­ner packa­ges, plea­se cont­act our Event team: